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IDIMT-2022, Digitalization of Society, Business and Management in a Pandemic
- Management and Digitalization
- Innovations and Strategies in a Pandemic Era
- Complex digital approaches for Crisis Management – Blackout in pandemic times
- Social media, authenticity and transparency
- Smart Supply Chains
- Cyber Security in a Digital World
- Sustainability in performance management and business reporting
- Smart Technologies for a Sustainable Green World
- Challenges and Trends in Software Development
- Virtual Collaboration and Exchange – challenges and emerging approaches
With pride we present the proceedings of the 30th annual IDIMT Conference. Two years of the COVID-Pandemic have taught us to handle and to overcome much of its impact and negative effects on all aspects of our lives. Digitalization, technology in general, and redirected scientific research played an important role in this recovery of science, research, society, business and economy, as demonstrated in this volume.
We have chosen the following 10 topics for 2022:
- Management and Digitalization (Petr Doucek)
- Innovations and Strategies in a Pandemic Era (Tomáš Pitner)
- Complex digital approaches for Crisis Management – Blackout in pandemic times (Georg Neubauer, Karin Rainer)
- Social media, authenticity and transparency (Antonín Pavlíček)
- Smart Supply Chains (Radoslav Delina)
- Cyber Security in a Digital World (Michael Sonntag)
- Sustainability in performance management and business reporting (Jaroslav Wagner)
- Smart Technologies for a Sustainable Green World (Erwin Schoitsch)
- Challenges and Trends in Software Development (Alena Buchalcevová)
- Virtual Collaboration and Exchange – challenges and emerging approaches (Mattis Altmann)
Based on a double blind two-step review process we have selected 43 of the submitted papers plus 10 keynote papers and 2 invited papers with a totality of more than 110 co-authors. The programme ran in two parallel streams. The authors have come from 9 different countries: Australia, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia.